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4. Unit Definition (UD)
Financial transactions are BlockChain transactions using crypto currencies. Crypto currencies are mostly used in financial projects.
Defined transactions are BlockChain transactions using units of asset or equivalent to define the nature of the content of the transaction.
Undefined transactions are BlockChain transactions only using additional data to send information which cannot be qualified.
4.1. The Definitions
Definitions can specify the type of Assets which can be used and their cardinalities.
Design | Description |
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Closed Asset : The Asset is created with 500 units of it. No more units can be created; all the available units are created at the creation of the Asset. |
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Opened Asset : The Asset is created with 500 units of it. This other cardinality indicates that units should grow by new request of 100 units. |
4.2. Library use case UD
In the Population Map, we’ve seen that only the Central Library was allowed to create Assets. Regarding the use case, three types of Assets are necessary:
• The first type of Assets is “New Book”. This Asset represents a lot of a same book. If the book has to be bought again later, then a new Asset will be created because it won’t be the same lot. Then this Asset is closed and the quantity is defined by the initial quantity of bought books.
Figure 4-1 - UD - Library
• The second type of Assets is “Booking”. The units of this Asset are used to represent the booking of a book by a reader in a specific Library. At first, the total number of booking can’t be defined and then the Asset stays opened.
• The last type of Asset is “Delay”. The units of this Asset are sent to Readers to notice them that they are late. As for Booking, the total number of Delay can’t be initially defined and then the Asset stays opened.
Please take care in the notation of Assets in UD. For “Booking” and “Delay”, the Assets are declared only one time at the initialization of the platform and after, units of the Assets are used. For “New Book i”, the letter “i” informs that fewer Assets can be created, for example let’s assume that an Asset “Ubik” is created with a quantity of 5, an Asset “H2G2” is created with a quantity of 42, …
4.3. Forum use case UD
The Forum is used to publish new subjects and comments related to the subjects.
Figure 4-2 - UD - Forum
A new subject can be created by the Forum Creator or any member with the Editor status. The units of the same Asset are used to send a comment on the subject.
Here is the use case in a “perfect world”. Other Assets could be imagined like a “Warning” or “Information” ones.