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1. Context

In this document, modelization will be used on two examples. The following 2 sections present these two examples.

1.1. Use case 1: Library

A big city manages a few libraries, as an example and to keep it simple, let’s take a North one, a South one, a West one, an East one and a Central one.

The Central library is responsible for the purchase of new books. Books are distributed to the different libraries. The quantity of books bought depends on the interest given to the books. Some books are bought in only one copy and have to be shared by libraries. Others books are bought in multiple copies and could be found in each library.

Readers must have an access right to borrow books. They can borrow books in any library, but they are limited to 10 books. They can return borrowed books in any library even in another library than the first one. Readers can order books to a specific library, thus when it will be available, the book will be driven to the library. A reader can order until 2 books at the time.

1.2. Use case 2: Forum

Someone wants to create a restricted access forum without using the usual web tools. People are able to create new posts. People are only able to comment to either a post or to another comment. The post writer is the responsible for the communication around his post. He decides who is able to comment his post.

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